Words that make Essays Longer
It can be difficult to meet an essay’s specified page or word count, especially if you’re juggling many papers or tests. Students frequently use lazy shortcuts such as increasing the margin size or making their font slightly larger when they’re in a hurry.
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When writing an essay, there are a number of words that you can use to make your essay longer. While these words are not to be abused, they can be applied smartly to increase the length.
The words that can be used to make essays longer include synonyms with phrases, examples to explain a concept and direct quotes. You can also use longer sentences to explain your points by incorporating words that mean the same but are longer in characters.
Below are some of the words that can be used to make an essay longer
Though these techniques lengthen pages, there are simpler (and better) ways to compose a lengthier, higher-quality essay. Making a paper meet required word or page counts doesn’t have to be a chore; you can lengthen it while simultaneously improving clarity and depth.
At the start of each paragraph in your essay, you should already have transitional words or phrases. If you don’t already have them, include them as part of your overall writing structure and organization.
However, many academic writers are unaware that these transitions can also be used within paragraphs to provide more logical organization (instead of simply between them). Consider the text below, which is 83 words long:
Expert quotes are one of the simplest ways to increase the word count of an essay. Not only do such quotes demonstrate that you’ve examined the thoughts and opinions of those who are well-versed in the subject matter.
However, they can also add a significant amount of length to a paper, especially if you include many quotes from various sources.
While writing a paper, ideas frequently evolve. Reread the first paragraph if the introduction was the first thing you wrote. You might realize that you left out important information that would help the reader grasp your point of view.
When reviewing the conclusion, make sure you’ve summarized the main ideas of the essay and offered a solution for your reader to consider. If you don’t believe you’ve done so, go back over the document and revise it.
Even if you’re short on time, have a friend, sibling, or parent read your paper and make a note of any topics that are unclear.
Then go back and rewrite any areas that were unclear, providing more detail to help readers understand.
Because you have a better understanding of what you’re writing about than your reader, having someone else look over your paper can help guarantee that you haven’t overlooked anything vital.
When you originally started writing the essay, did you construct an outline to help you plan it? Return to your original outline and double-check that you’ve covered all of your bases.
It’s likely that you’ve overlooked a crucial aspect of your argument that would add to the page length while also improving the essay’s quality.
Professors frequently seek for terms like “therefore,” ‘Despite,’ At the same time,’ “even though,” and “on the other hand” to connect sentences.
Check that your sentences flow easily into one another as you read through your essay. If they don’t, add transitional phrases like the ones described above.
As a result, your work will be easier to read, and you’ll be closer to meeting the minimum page limit. In your phrases, be keen to avoid first person language since this is an essay.
This may seem like a ridiculous suggestion, but reading your paper out loud makes you more conscious of any grammatical or syntactical errors.
When you rewrite sentences to correct these problems, you may wind up lengthening the report. While reading aloud, you can see that you didn’t offer enough details in a certain paragraph. If that’s the case, go back and add more to lengthen the piece.
You’ve most likely been looking at your computer screen for hours, expecting for words to appear out of nowhere. Pause for a moment. Take a break and eat a snack, go for a stroll, or call a buddy. After some time away, you’ll return to the essay with a fresh viewpoint, and you might even come up with new ideas.
Find a second source to provide more evidence for the reader if you’ve just utilized one source or story to clarify a point. This strategy will help you increase the word count of your paper while also bolstering your argument.
Most likely, you’ve already used quotations in your paper. Quotes are a terrific technique to strengthen your thesis while also increasing the length of your paper, but don’t use them just to fill space.
If you’re running out of words, go over your source materials again to see if you’ve overlooked any important quotes.
You can also conduct additional research to see if there are any additional sources you can provide to offer the reader with additional proof supporting your position.
Longer quotes aren’t always better, but if you’re truly pressed for time, you could want to prolong some of the existing quotes.
Although meeting a minimal page count can be difficult at times, you can achieve it smartly by boosting the amount of information you give the reader—no there’s need to use tactics like raising line spacing or font size.
You might want to split up parts of your paragraphs if you’re in a pinch at the last minute. This increases the text’s length while simultaneously making it easier to read.
However, after reading the suggestions on this page, your paper should be long enough to avoid the need for spacing. If you cannot do it yourself, entrust your essay to a writer and you can be sure to get an excellent job done.