Can't Start Writing an Essay
If you feel that you can’t start writing an essay and the deadline is fast approaching, you need something to spark you off. Perhaps you can’t seem to get started on your paper because you’re suffering from writer’s block, or you despise the thought of hours of research.
But there is no other way other than to start. A concept comes first, then a single word, and then a sentence. You will not have an essay if you do not start writing.
If you find yourself in this circumstance, maybe it is time you sought for essay writing help to get you started, However, to write it yourself, here’s is a comprehensive article guiding you on what to do.
Spend five minutes jotting down whatever you remember about the subject. Set a 15-minute timer and don’t stop writing until the timer goes off. Don’t be concerned about your spelling, punctuation, or ability to construct complete sentences.
This will not be utilized in your paper directly, but it will help you decide what you want to write about. It also loosens up your “muscles” for writing.
After the first five minutes, take a five-minute break and write a list of ten questions on the topic. This will take an additional five minutes. If you are required to write about a subject from class, consult your textbook for answers. Choose the three most significant questions from each of the three themes.
Your thoughts should be grouped around the three questions in the middle of the essay. Then, at the beginning of the document, copy and paste your conclusion and make any required changes to the new introduction and middle parts to make them match.
Set a timer for 5 minutes and start writing once you’ve decided on a topic. Anything related to the issue that comes to mind should be written down. Answer questions such as who, what, where, when, and why about the topic. If you’re at a loss for words, simply type “I don’t know what to say” and ramble until you find something to say on the topic.
You might scribble down the topic and a list of associated items, such as size, shape, color, purpose, subject discussions, advantages and disadvantages, and anything else that comes to mind. Then look over your list and select which components of the issue you believe are the most important.
Install Evernote on your phone or tablet. If you chat into the phone, Evernote will convert your voice into text that you may edit. The directions are straightforward and fun, and you can find them online.
In Evernote, have a casual conversation about what you want to say in your essay. Save the text as a Word document after that. You now have a preliminary draft of your essay to work with and can revise it as needed. When you’re staring at a blank page, this will help you get past the feeling of being trapped.
If you are given a topic, such as science, you should consider the stages below.
What comes to mind when you hear the word “ESSAY”? If you’re like most students, you’re probably thinking of pain. Boredom. Tedium. It’s pure misery. The word “fun” is rarely mentioned.
Maybe writing isn’t your strong suit, and you’d rather work with numbers than letters, solving difficult equations and moving numbers around.
Maybe you’re more of a hands-on type who prefers to do something rather than move your fingers across a computer.
Whatever your reasons for not like writing, the harsh reality is that if you’re a student, you’ll have to write essays before you graduate.
It’s all about how you think. If you go to a movie expecting it to be bad, there’s a significant chance you’ll look for any minor mistake to illustrate your point.
If you go into a movie with an open mind and a positive attitude, on the other hand, you can be astonished at how fantastic it is and how much you love the experience. The same is true when it comes to writing essays.
Don’t assume that just because you detested analyzing poetry three years ago, you’ll despise it this time. Give it a chance to work. You could discover that J. Alfred Prufrock’s The Love Song is a lot more interesting than you first believed.
Try a few motivation strategies if you’re more pessimistic and a good attitude about writing is as rare as a cold, refreshing stream in the desert.
Create a chart to divide down huge writing jobs into smaller portions, for example. As you progress through the writing process, mark off each step. This will assist you in visualizing your development and staying motivated.
This technique also encourages you to consider the advantages of finishing your essay. Let’s imagine you were having trouble coming up with a topic for your research paper and eventually decided to write on the history of camels as a form of transportation in the desert.
Don’t let the fact that you still have to compose the paper make you feel down. Congratulations on your achievement!
Treat yourself to something special, such as an additional episode of Orange Is the New Black.
I know there are instances when your professor assigns a topic, and you have to write about it whether you like it or not.
That doesn’t rule out the possibility of finding a technique to make the topic more interesting to write about.
For example, if you have the chance to write a lighthearted piece, you may describe how the food service employees adored the president, and how now that she’s gone, there’s a palpable grief in the air. Even the pizza has a sorrowful flavor. It’s just not the same in the dining hall.
If the president’s resignation has a direct impact on the football team, and you’re the team’s star quarterback, you obviously have a personal connection. Simply because you’re interested in the subject, you’ll have more joy writing about it.
Write about how the hunt for a president is similar to the search for a coach for an entertaining and original take on the topic. Consider what personality traits they have and what job skills they both require to be successful in their employment.
We have a lot of routines that we look forward to in our life. These are the little things that make life more enjoyable, like getting an iced coffee after spin class or getting a burger after karate every Thursday.
Schedule a writing walk if you prefer long walks in the woods, in your neighborhood, or on the treadmill. Then take use of the time to think about and plan your paper.
Perhaps some mood music can assist you in writing your masterpiece. Make a writing playlist with some of your favorite songs to inspire you to write—and only listen to it while you’re writing.
Maybe you’re a smoothie fanatic. Enjoy your favorite berry blast smoothie throughout your essay-writing period. This manner, producing an essay will be associated with enjoying a cool, refreshing berry treat.
You may believe that playing games with your grades is not fun, but don’t dismiss the idea just yet. Keep in mind that we’re maintaining an open mind here.
Let’s pretend you enjoy both games and difficulties. Consider the games you play to earn badges. Your objective is to complete a task or achieve a certain score. It’s worth a shot with essay writing.
Set a goal of locating a certain number of sources for your research paper before a given time of day, or challenge yourself to write a certain number of words per hour or per day.
Alternatively, push yourself to come up with a great thesis statement in 20 words or fewer. Be careful not to use boring words or phrases like, ‘in this essay, I will‘ sentences in your introduction. Use a formal thesis statement.
When I say “write like a kid again,” I don’t mean that your essay should sound like it was written by a third-grader. I’m referring to the fact that you should let loose and enjoy the process of generating it.
Remember when your instructor gave you all kinds of interesting crafts, drawings, and projects to help you outline ideas, prewrite, and grasp your assignments when you were a kid?
Why not hand-write an overview or draft paragraphs on lovely scrapbooking paper if you enjoy crafts? To help you grasp how concepts relate, you may practically cut, paste, and move portions around. If you like hands-on activities, this technique also works well.
Create charts, tables, or visual organizers to arrange your essay if you’re business-minded and enjoy working with statistics and spreadsheets. These tools’ structure may even make you forget (at least temporarily) that you’re working with letters rather than numbers.
Why not make writing a social process if you live for social media? Discuss your writing ideas with your friends, or enlist their assistance with revising. You could even make an Instagram photo series on your writing experiences. Invite your friends to join you. After all, they’re both working on the same essays!
Okay, it won’t be quite as much fun as playing your favorite video game or seeing your favorite band perform live. However, you should now realize that writing an essay does not have to be all agony and work.
Last but not least, remember to plan ahead before you begin writing. When you plan ahead, you’ll be able to begin writing your essay well before the deadline. This will relieve a great deal of stress.
Planning early also means you’ll have more time to let someone else give you comments on your paper, which will assist you make sure it passes. Steps to take between Topic and Finished Essay
Some of us adore nothing more than sitting down in front of our computers, or going old school with a pen and notebook, and starting to write.
But, let’s face it, even for the world’s writers, writing an assigned essay about, say, the influence of Camel cigarette advertisements isn’t always what we want to write about.
Maybe you’re a writer who enjoys telling stories but despises research papers. Perhaps you’re a student looking for a technique to make writing an essay a little easier. Or perhaps you simply despise writing and are looking for any excuse to finish another paper.
Whatever got you here, have a look at these suggestions for making essay writing more enjoyable.